November Currently

How is it possibly November already? Unbelievable.

I'm linking up with Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade again for her November Currently Linky.

Listening: Did you know that Gilmore Girls is on Netflix? It's my favorite TV Show in the whole world and I own them all on DVD. But having them on Netflix means I don't have to change the disc every 4 episodes. Sweet!!
Loving: Planning my sister in law's baby shower. She's due January 12, the shower is in early December, and I've taken on the decorations and games. I'm sooooo excited. 
Thinking: I only have, like, 5 assignments left this semester but I have no motivation to do any of them. I'm not enjoying my classes this semester, I think it part of it.
Wanting: Between crafting for my SIL's shower and prepping lesson plans, my house is a disaster.
Needing: One of these days I'm going to get my SLANT Box out on time. This is not that month. Grrr. So glad my partner Maja at Kooky Kinders is forgiving!
Reading: I have a gazillion books I want to read. but they have to wait until I get my grad school stuff finished.

I have a post coming later today or tomorrow about Halloween. Stay tuned!


  1. I totally understand what you are saying about Gilmore Girls. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that show and have since it was on. I have it all on dvd too but streaming it is just so much easier. I wish there was another show on tv like Gilmore Girls. Such a good show!!

    Sara J Creations

    1. Have you seen Veronica Mars? Same great wit. Only lasted 3 seasons. Last I checked it was on Amazon Prime streaming...

  2. WHAT!!! I didn't realize you could stream Gilmore Girls!!!! Oh that does not bode well for me getting much done around the house! I love Veronica Mars too, hated when it ended but was so happy for their Kickstarter movie!
    Mrs. Spriggs’ Kindergarten Pond

  3. I am in the same boat with the Gilmore Girls thing!!! SO MUCH more convenient with Netflix! Are you doing grad school online? I am thinking about doing that and needing some encouragement/ advice!

    1. Yes my classes are almost all online. I have had a blended class (meeting every other week on campus) and I have a traditional, face to face class next semester but 5 of my 6 classes I've taken have been entirely online. I think the best bit of advice is just time management. Staying on top of everything is super important.
