Beginning of School

We start school in the middle of August here in the Midwest. I have no idea why. I don't think we've started after Labor Day since I was in early elementary school (early 90s...). So I have actually been in school now for 2 weeks.

I teach preschool in a childcare setting, so we're open year-round. I'm completely jealous of all you teachers who get a few weeks to organize a room before your new kids come. I get 6 hours. No joke. Our kids go home on a Thursday, we clean till like midnight (I was done at 8:30, thank you very much), have some PD on Friday, and on Monday we start with our new kids. Although, I am thankful that I don't have to pack everything up in May every year. That is nice...

So here are a few of my back-to-school things I did (not student related) to prep and welcome my kids.

My favorite is my bulletin board. I wish I could take credit for it, but I actually found the idea for it in this Buzzfeed article.

I found a cowboy hat in our toy closet and took their photo with the most grimacing look they could give. Some of them did a great job! Then I took their photos and added them to a Wanted poster and thought up clever, outlaw-esque names for them. I cut the letters out on my Cricut.

(Side note... my bulletin board is painted. All of ours are. It's great because I don't have to worry about the hassle of paper or fabric all year!)

It was time to do some rearranging from last year as well. Here is a shot of my room at the beginning of last year. I put together the room from scratch, which is why it seems so EMPTY. I filled it in a lot over the year, but that space next to my desk was bugging me. It really WAS empty. 

So I moved a shelf that was on my stage next to the closet over there and guess what? I mean, like a glove.

Good thing, too, because the owner of my school made a kitchen and a light table for me and they needed to go on my stage.

(Psst... For a full classroom tour, check out my Classroom link!)

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