September Currently

Well, I still have yet to make an actual post on here, but I thought I'd just jump in feet first into the teacher blogging world with September's Currently (via Oh Boy 4th Grade). I've seen these in the blogs that I've followed for years, so I'm actually kind of excited to participate for the first time.

LISTENING: Once Upon a Time is one of my favorite shows (I'm a sucker for all things fairy tale) and I'm binge watching in anticipation of the 4th season beginning at the end of the month.

LOVING: My blog design. It's what I spent most of my Labor Day doing and I am very very proud of it. =) 

THINKING: I need to do a post on my first week or two of school. I love the new year and the possibilities it brings. 

WANTING: I inherited my grandmother's car when she died in December. It's a ten year old car with less than 55,000 miles on it; we expect to get a good chunk of cash off of it.

NEEDING: I have most things prepped, but I have a few more things to make sure I have printed; I also have to make sure I have Wednesday prepped because it's my day off. (I teach in a childcare setting; my school is open 6:30-6 and I work four 10-hour days and I'm off on Wednesdays.)

3 TRIPS: I'm going to Spain in March (as long as we sell our extra car!!), hubs and I are headed to New York at the end of the month, and I really would like to return to Costa Rica (we went there last summer on a mission trip).

I guess I should go and get to prepping now...


  1. Hi Jessica!

    Welcome to the blogging world! Great job on your blog design, it looks amazing! I really need to catch up with Once Upon a Time, I've heard so many things about it. Good luck with the new school year and new blog! I'm happy I got to stop by and be your first comment :)

    Learnin' Books

    1. This is my third time watching through OUAT and each time I'm amazed at the intricate plot lines the writers created. It's on Netflix at the moment, too!

  2. I love your blog design! I would be proud of it, too! It looks so cute!! Like you, I'd like to go to New York. Maybe we can plan a trip together. ;)

    1. This is my third trip to NYC but my husband's first. I feel like I'm a big city girl at heart so I can't wait to show him around!

  3. Welcome to the Land of Blog. It's fun...and tiring...and rewarding...and crazy, all at the same time. Here's my tip: Make sure you credit anybody and everybody if you use anything they make and share (either free or paid). I can't wait to add you to my Bloglovin'! I have a 3 1/2 and 1 1/2 year old and we love learning! Have a nice day off!

    FCS and Then Some

  4. I found you through Farley's link up. You have a great looking blog BTW
    Once Upon a Time is filmed very close to where I live. We love watching it too.
